الجمعة، 16 سبتمبر 2016

اشكال فرعونى

يوجد ورق بردي: فرعوني (اشكال - بوابات - خراطيش - ابراج ) - اسلامي (ايات قرأنيه - اسماء الله الحسني )
جميع المقاسات :
المقاسات : (10 × 15) - (18 × 23 )- (20 ×30 )- (30 × 40) - (40 × 60) - (20 ×50) - (30 ×80) - (70×100) .

Eye of Horus

Udjat’s eye
An excellent view depicts the guardian eye of Horus, which is guarded by the goddesses of lower and upper Egypt “Nekhbet and Wadjet” the eye of Horus is one of the strongest amulets and it is so famous. It represents the eye, which uprooted from the heaven to god Horus. Below it, we will find a strong drawing similar to the falcon, which indicate that the eye has ability to see everything. The ancient Egyptian thought that it save prosperity and ability of protection during life

The Dendera Zodiac

The Dendera Zodiac
Several of the zodiac symbols we know today appear in this Ptolemaic chart, which comes from the ceiling of a small shrine on the roof of Dendera Temple, which is dedicated to Osiris. Unfortunately the original is now in the Louvre in Paris, a plaster copy greets visitors to Dendera

Hours and Nefertari

Hours and Nefertari
We can see this view the god Horus catching the hand of queen Nefertari. It is a part of judgment picture because Horus is one responsible for judgment the dead in the other world. Nefertari was a wife of Ramses II and she was very little is known. Her beautiful temple at Abu Simbel and her magnificent tomb in the Valley of the Queens underline her standing and importance and are well worth a visit. Its colors appear as they were pictured yesterday untouched with the age

شغل اسلامي علي ورق البردي

شغل اسلامي علي ورق بردي ب مقاس 30*40


welcome to the wonderful world of papyrus

 ياجمال الملوك منورين البرديات

 ابوالهول والاهرمات شغل طبيعى على ورق بنى

 المعبد شغل بتركيز ورق بردى بنى يدوى

ابوالهول والاهرمات شغل فسفورى على ورق بنى يدوى

الملكه حورس ونفرتارى شغل دهبى فى اسود رسم ايدى مقاس 100×70

الملكه كلوباترا هانم مقاس 100 ×70

ياجمال حورس ونفرتيتى بين الخرطوشين منورين

شغل الدهبيات الاصلى

عربة الملك رمسيس مقاس 60 ×40

شغل تلوين الوان طبيعيه يدوى مقاسات مختلفه